One of the things that is important when your listing goes in to managing the communication with the other parties, including the other realtors.
I have been on the buying side and seen some interesting situations which were not beneficial to either the buyer or the seller. Our objective is always clear and transparent communication. Communication that makes everyone feel fairly treated and that they had as much opportunity to win the house as the next realtor...
The other side of that - is when its our turn and we have buyers in a fight to win their dream home, the respect and courtesy is reciprocated! Today with 13 offers on the table for our latest sold listing, it was nice to get the realtors positive feedback. Not only were our sellers ecstatic at their results, we had a family moving in who are happy. Yes, 12 other buyers were not happy, but at least they didn't feel they were kept in the dark, or didn't have a chance to do their very best.
We will always do our best for our sellers, but we will also do our best to promote fairness and professionalism. It just makes sense long term. Thank you to all who put their efforts in today. We don't win everyday, but everyday we do our best. That's all you can do in situations such as these!
Now more than ever...#whoyouworkwithmatters